En visitant le site, vous acceptez d’être lié par les termes du présent accord, connu sous le nom des Conditions générales d’utilisation (les « CGU »).
La dernière modification des CGU a été effectuée le 15 février 2022. lililillilil se réserve le droit, à tout moment et sans préavis, de modifier ou de remplacer l’une des CGU. Toute modification des CGU se trouve à cette adresse URL. Il est de votre responsabilité de vérifier régulièrement les modifications des CGU.
Welcome to the lililillilil website, which includes all current and future subdomains. We hope you enjoy your visit. By visiting the website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement, known as Terms & Conditions (the T&Cs).
The last modification of the T&Cs was made on February 15, 2022. lililillilil reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to modify or replace any of the T&Cs. Any changes to the T&Cs can be found at this URL address. It is your responsibility to regularly check for changes to the T&Cs.
The lililillilil website presents immersive exhibitions in Image Totale©️ created by Annabelle Mauger and Julien Baron.
The lililillilil company, société à responsabilité limitée with a capital of 3,000 Euros, is registered with Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés of Lyon under SIREN 828111054. Its head office is located at 31D rue du Bourbonnais, 69009 Lyon.
For any question or request for information regarding the website, or any report of illegal content or activities, the user can contact the website via the following phone number: +33 6 52 40 13 53.
By using the website, you agree to:
This website is accessible:
The site implements the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It may nevertheless at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or to certain pages of the site, to carry out updates, modifications of its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the site.
These T&Cs apply, as necessary, to any variation or extension of the site on existing or future social and/or community networks.
The wesite may contain external links pointing to other websites over which lililillilil has no control. Despite the prior and regular checks carried out by the website, it declines all responsibility for the content that can be found on these websites.
Under no circumstances will lililillilil be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, pecuniary or non-pecuniary, related to your use of the websites or other services to which one can establish links from the services or information on this subject. , or any virus, Trojan horse, worm or other similar destructive file received as a result of your use of such websites or services, or caused by or in connection with, use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on or through any linked website or service, or the actions of the operators of such website or service.
Finally, lililillilil reserves the right to have a hypertext link pointing to its website removed at any time, if the website deems it not to comply with the T&Cs.
The structure of the site but also the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos, and computer applications that compose it are the property of the site and are protected as such by the laws in force under intellectual property.
Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the contents, registered trademarks and services offered by the site, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express, and written authorization of the site, is strictly prohibited and could constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. And this, except for elements expressly designated as free of rights on the site.
Access to the site does not constitute recognition of a right and, in general, does not confer any intellectual property rights relating to an element of the site, which remain the exclusive property of the site.
For the proper management of the site, the site may at any time:
The site is only responsible for the content that it has published itself.
The site is not responsible:
The user is responsible:
If one or more stipulations of these general conditions of sale were to be declared void by application of the law, a regulation or a final decision of a French jurisdiction, the other stipulations will retain their full force and scope.
These General Terms & Conditions are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.
The website of lililillilil wishes you an excellent navigation!